Abstracts submision | 15 July 2012 |
Early registration ffe | 25 September 2012 |
Hotel reservations | 1 September 2012 |
The length of the video presentations, lectures and discussions is changeable and depends on the session.
Breakfast sessions: this type of session consists of two 15-minute length lectures of related topics followed by a 25-minute discussion.
Lunch seminars and sponsored lunch sessions: the lunch seminars and sponsored lunch sessions consist of an up-to–date and concise review or other types of presentation regarding different topics in general thoracic surgery.
Video forum: 10 to 12-minute video presentation. These videotapes should emphasize the most important steps and technical details of the surgical procedure, and their content must have a high educational value. Whenever possible, videos of related topics are grouped in the same session. 15 to 25-minute discussion will take place at the end of the session.
Lectures: Lectures will have a maximum duration of 10 minutes. Their contents must be precise and related to the title of the lecture. Whenever possible, lectures are grouped in sessions covering related topics. Speakers are kindly asked to avoid overlapping with other lectures of the same session. 22 to 30-minute discussion will take place at the end of the session.
Poster presentation: Abstracts of proffered papers will be considered for poster presentation, only. The presenters of the best 6 posters will have the opportunity to summarize their content in two minutes that will be followed by a 3-minute discussion. Prospective presenters are kindly asked to prepare their posters in English. There will not be physical posters in this Joint Meeting. The presenters will be asked to submit their posters in a single Power Point slide. In the venue of the Joint Meeting, computers will be available to see the posters. Poster selected for discussion will be projected in the discussion room.
Speakers: Speakers are kindly requested to prepare their presentations according to the above instructions. The organizers of the Joint Meeting recommend the speakers to strictly limit their presentations to the allotted time. This is fundamental to keep good timing in this busy meeting and allow for enough discussion. Although there will be simultaneous translation Spanish-English, the speakers are kindly asked to prepare their slide presentations in English.
Chairpersons: Chairpersons are responsible for the timing and fluidity of the sessions. They should introduce the speakers as briefly as possible, and time their presentations according to the allotted time. They should alert the speakers when their time has been consumed. The Chairpersons are expected to enliven discussions and keep their right timing.