Abstracts submision | 15 July 2012 |
Early registration ffe | 25 September 2012 |
Hotel reservations | 1 September 2012 |
Abstracts of proffered papers will be considered for electronic poster
display, only. Selected abstracts will be divided into three categories: a)
general thoracic surgery; b) lung cancer staging and mediastinal lymph
node dissection; and c) general topics on lung cancer. The presenters of
the best 6 posters will have the opportunity to summarise their content
in two minutes, that will be followed by a 3-minute discussion.
Prospective presenters are kindly asked to prepare their posters in English.
There will not be physical posters in this Joint Meeting. The presenters will
be asked to submit their posters in a single Power Point slide. In the
venue of the Joint Meeting, computers will be available to see the posters.
Abstracts of a maximum of 250 words should be uploaded into this website
no later than July 15th, 2012.
The presenter of the poster MUST be registered in the Workshop.
The presenters of the posters will be informed of the decisions regarding the
acceptance of the posters by September 7th, 2012.
The abstract must be informative and must include: a) objectives (with or
without introduction), b) methods, c) results, and d) conclusions. Statements
such as “the results will be presented” are unacceptable.
Send the abstract in Word format following these instructions:
a. use font no smaller than 10 points;
b. type title in capital letters;
c. type single space;
d. underline presenter's name;
e. organize the heading of the abstract as follows: title, authors' names,
institution, city and country, leaving one line between the heading and
the body of the abstract.
Send the abstract to: thoracic.surgery@actoserveis.com